Tutorial: Purple Birthday Bouquet


The shades of purple contrasted with light green really add to the elegance of this card. Multiple layers, textures and embellishments make this card a “work of art.”



Cut Cardstock:



Snail the 5 1/4″ x 4″ piece of Whisper White cardstock to the card front. The reason for this extra layer is that the next layer is embossed, which breaks down the fibers of the cardstock a bit and makes it less sturdy, plus the embossed layer looks much more “finished off” with a slight white border around it.

Use Pear Pizzazz ink to stamp the tiny tri-petal flowers from the Bloom and Grow stamp set onto the 5 1/8″ x 3 7/8″ piece of Whisper White cardstock toward the left side, creating interest  for the background.  NOTE – since you only want these little flowers to add interest in the background and not be the focal point, Stamp off before stamping the image onto the cardstock. To Stamp off means to ink up the stamp, stamp onto a piece of scrap paper, then stamp onto the cardstock – the image will be much lighter in color than stamping with full ink. This is the desired effect you want for the background. After you have stamped this piece, emboss it with the Subtle Embossing Folder, then snail it to the card front.



Use the smaller Delicate Lace Die to crop the strip of Highland Heather cardstock. Snail the strip of Purple Posy Designer Series Paper onto the top of the cropped strip, leaving just the bottom design showing, then snail the entire piece to the card front. See photo for placement.

Using Stazon ink, stamp the smallest three flower cluster onto a scrap of Whisper White cardstock. Use Stazon ink to stamp the small leaves, the leaf and buds and the stem with the buds three to four times each onto a scrap of Whisper White cardstock.

Use an Aqua Painter and Highland Heather ink to color the flowers and buds and Pear Pizzazz ink to color the leaves. To do this, place the ink on an acrylic block or squeeze the closed ink pad to transfer some of the ink to the lid, then pick up the ink with your Aqua Painter. Start out light; you can always add more color! Crop these images with the corresponding Budding Blooms dies that are part of the Bloom and Grow bundle. Use Wink of Stella to add a little glimmer to the large flower cluster.

Arrange the small leaves, leaf and bud and bud clusters on the card front toward the left side. When you are satisfied with the arrangement, snail them in place. Use dimensionals to attach the larger three flower cluster in place.

Use Pear Pizzazz ink to stamp the Happy Birthday greeting from the Itty Bitty Birthdays stamp set onto a scrap of Whisper White cardstock. Crop with the smallest narrow rectangle from the Rectangle Shapes dies. Snail onto the Purple Posy strip tucking the left end slightly under the large flower cluster.

Place three medium size pearls around the flowers.

Color about 14″ of the Silver Edge Metallic-Edge ribbon with the Light Highland Heather Stampin’ Blends marker, then tie into a bow and attach to the card front with a glue dot. See photo for placement.



Use Pear Pizzazz ink to stamp the sentiment from the Bloom and Grow stamp set onto the remaining piece of Whisper White cardstock. Use Stazon ink to stamp the small leaf/bud stem onto the lower left corner of this piece about 1/4″ up from the bottom. Snail the strip of Highland Heather cardstock to the bottom of this piece.

Color the leaves with Pear Pizzazz ink and the buds with Highland Heather ink using your Aqua Painter.





Carry over the card design to the envelope by stamping the leaf/bud stem to the lower left corner of the envelope. Use your Aqua Painter with Highland Heather and Pear Pizzazz ink to color the image.



Thanks for taking a look! I hope you enjoy making this card.

Thank you for choosing me as your Stampin’Up! demonstrator!


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  1. Good job

  2. Thank you Judy!

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