Category: Tutorial Series
Tutorial: Positive Thoughts
Tutorial: Keeping in Touch (“Thinking of You” Card)

The current world-wide pandemic we are all facing has left thousands, if not millions of people feeling lonely, apprehensive, frustrated, and anxious. The “huggers” among us are going through withdrawal, grandparents can’t hug grandchildren, friends can’t offer a supportive hug to friends, families can’t visit other family members living…
Tutorial: Fancy Fold Magnolia Card
Tutorial: Simple Magnolia Thank You
Tutorial: Magnolia Treat Box
From ‘How’ to ‘Wow’ #6: Mama & Baby Bluebirds

Here is another very simple card sketch with oh-so-elegant results! Notice that the “shapes” on the sketch don’t necessarily have to be “shapes” on the finished card. I replaced the orange “scalloped circle” with the larger bird image and the green “scalloped ovals” with the stamped leaves images. …